Four-around-one set into a side pick and roll.  #1 dribbles #3 to the corner then receives a ball screen from #5.  #'s 2-4 spot up on the perimeter.

Horns set.  #'s 4 and 5 prepare to set ball screens for #1.  #1 can go either way.  In this example, #1 goes off of #5 who rolls to the basket while #4 fills the point.

Side pick and roll from a three-around-two set.  #1 passes to #3 at the wing and spots up in the opposite slot.  #2 will spot up as well while #4 will get ready for the the duck-in.  #5 sets the ball screen for #3 then rolls to the basket.

Set play for a post up from a 1-4 high set.  #3 cuts to the opposite corner and #2 comes off of a middle stagger double set by #'s 4 and 5.  When #2 catches off of the stagger double, #4 will post up in the ball-side low post.

Horns set.  #'s 4 and 5 prepare to set ball screens for #1.  #1 can go either way.  In this example, #1 goes off of #5 who pops to the point while #4 rolls to the basket.

Baseline inbounds play.  #3 sets a screen for #4 then comes off of a screen set by #5.  #3 will continue to the corner while #'s 4 and 5 will look to get the ball on the help side and ball side of the basket respectively.


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