Pre-set with side pick-and-roll after the UCLA cut.

Middle pick-and-roll from 2-3 high into a 1-4 low.

End of half play similar to Florida and Vanderbilt.

Middle pick-and-roll with #4 clearing.

2-3 high pre-set into pick-and-roll with a Hawk cut.

2-3 high pre-set into pick-and-roll with a cut to the corner by the point guard.

Baseline out of bounds for a shot by #2.


Baseline out of bounds play. Pass goes to #5 who will handoff to #2. This is designed to set up the half court offense.

Baseline out of bounds play. #3 steps in to fake a screen-the-screener play. #5 sets a screen for #4. Again, this is used to get the ball inbounds and into the offense, not to run a play.

Baseline out of bounds play to set up a middle pick-and-roll by #5 for #1.

From a 2-3 high set, a pass to the wing to set up a Hawk cut with side ball screen. #1 will go to the ball-side corner.

From a 2-3 high set, a dribble handoff into a middle pick-and-roll set by #5. #4 down screens for #3.

From a 2-3 high set, a UCLA cut into a stagger double.

From a 2-3 high set. Give and go by #1 with a down screen of #1 by #3.

Sideline out of bounds play into a middle pick-and-roll play.

Set play with a double down screen for #3.

Middle pick-and-pop play with #4 setting a ball screen for #1.

Pre-set from 1-4 high. A flare screen by #4 for #1.



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