This is a set play that was run off of the opening tip from a Horns look.  #5 pops out to receive a pass from #1.  When the pass is made #4 pops out and #1 cuts to the basket.  If #4 gets the ball from #5, #5 will fill the nail and #3 will cut to replace #5.

Set pick-and-pop play.  #5 sets a ball screen and sets up near the slot area off of the ball screen.  #1 penetrates and looks to hit #3 for the three, #4 in the low post, or #5 in the slot area.

Pick and roll in transition.  #4 is the trailer and sets a ball screen for #1.  #4 will roll the basket and #5 will fill the help-side slot.

Set play run for a high-low entry.  #'s 2 and 5 start in a stack opposite #4 and #3 starts at the top of the free throw circle.  #2 comes off of #5's screen to catch the ball at the wing.  Following the screen for #2, #5 will set a cross screen for #4.  If #2 does not enter the ball to #4 on the low block, #3 will catch at the point.

When #3 catches at the point, #4 flashes to the elbow on his side and looks to catch the entry pass.  When #4 catches he turns and looks to enter the ball to #5 for the high-low entry.


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