From a three-around-two alignment with an even-guard front, #1 passes to #2.  On the first pass, #3 comes off of a baseline stagger double set by #'s 4 and 5.  If the ball is passed back, #4 comes off of the single down set by #5.

From a three-around-two alignment, #1 comes off of a ball screen set by #5.  #1 will look to penetrate or pass.

From a four-around-one alignment with the center on the low block opposite the ball.  #4 comes and sets a ball screen on #1's man.  #1 will then come off of the ball screen and run the pick-and-roll.  #1 will look to make a post feed, hit a jump shot, or kick the ball to the perimeter for a three.

From a Horns alignment.  #4 sets a ball screen for #1 before coming off of a flare screen set by #5.  #1 can hit #4 off of the flare screen or pass the ball to #5 on the slip to the basket.

From a four-around-one alignment with the center high.  #5 sets a ball screen for #1 to run the pick and roll.  #4 slides to the wing opposite the pick-and-roll action.

Baseline inbounds play from a triple stack.  #4 pops to the perimeter to catch the inbounds pass from #2.  #1 pops to catch from #4.  #2 will come off of a screen set by #3 for a lay-up.  If that is not open, #3 comes off of #4's down screen for a three.


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